International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Amish , Vinod Kumar Gupta and Alok Pratap Singh

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Amish1 , Vinod Kumar Gupta2 and Alok Pratap Singh3
1. Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Feroze Gandhi College, Raebareli
2. Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, D.A.V. P.G. College, Gorakhpur
3. Post Graduate Student, Department of Psychology, Feroze Gandhi College, Raebareli

Amish, et al. "THE IMPORTANCE OF LIFE SATISFACTION: ROLE OF DEMOGRAPHIC VARIABLES AND QUALITY OF WORK LIFE OF COLLEGE TEACHERS." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 4, no. 3, Mar. 2019, pp. 2002-2019, Accessed Mar. 2019.
Amish, Gupta, V., & Singh, A. (2019, March). THE IMPORTANCE OF LIFE SATISFACTION: ROLE OF DEMOGRAPHIC VARIABLES AND QUALITY OF WORK LIFE OF COLLEGE TEACHERS. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 4(3), 2002-2019. Retrieved from
Amish, Vinod Kumar Gupta, and Alok Pratap Singh. "THE IMPORTANCE OF LIFE SATISFACTION: ROLE OF DEMOGRAPHIC VARIABLES AND QUALITY OF WORK LIFE OF COLLEGE TEACHERS." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 4, no. 3 (March 2019), 2002-2019. Accessed March, 2019.


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The world is moving with very high speed and managing the organization have become more complex than ever before. Quality of work life as a theoretical concept aims to capture the essence of an individual's work experience in the broadest sense. The present study was conducted on 190 teachers working in different colleges to examine the role of demographic variables and quality of work life in predicting life satisfaction. Obtained data were analyzed by using correlation analysis, stepwise regression analysis and hierarchical stepwise regression analysis. The results of correlation coefficients indicate that gender and religious belief were found to significantly negatively correlated with life satisfaction. General well-being, homework interface, control at work and job career satisfaction were found significantly positively correlated with life satisfaction. The result of stepwise regression analysis indicates that gender and religious belief were emerged as significant predictors of life satisfaction. The results of hierarchical stepwise regression analysis reveal that general well-being and job career satisfaction were found to be significantly positively associated with life satisfaction and emerged as significant predictors of life satisfaction. It can be concluded from the obtained results that quality of work life is important for college teachers which can play important role in their life satisfaction which in turn enhance the performance.

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