International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Gevorg Gasparyan

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Gevorg Gasparyan
PhD candidate, 4th year, Jilin University, School of International and Public Affairs, P.R. China

Gasparyan, Gevorg. "DIVERSIONARY USE OF FORCE IN AUTHORITARIAN REGIMES: THE CASE OF 2016 APRIL'S ARMENIAN-AZERBAIJANI BORDER CLASHES." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 4, no. 8, Aug. 2019, pp. 5610-5623, Accessed Aug. 2019.
Gasparyan, G. (2019, August). DIVERSIONARY USE OF FORCE IN AUTHORITARIAN REGIMES: THE CASE OF 2016 APRIL'S ARMENIAN-AZERBAIJANI BORDER CLASHES. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 4(8), 5610-5623. Retrieved from
Gasparyan, Gevorg. "DIVERSIONARY USE OF FORCE IN AUTHORITARIAN REGIMES: THE CASE OF 2016 APRIL'S ARMENIAN-AZERBAIJANI BORDER CLASHES." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 4, no. 8 (August 2019), 5610-5623. Accessed August, 2019.


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The economic downturns influence autocratic and democratic regimes's perspectives of being involved in militarized disputes. However, the mechanism of influence varies across different regimes. In democratic regimes leaders are more worried about the upcoming elections and have more tools to use to compensate the economic losses like implementing economic reforms, while autocratic ones are more worried about their long-term reputation and face higher risks domestically in case of failure. In authoritarian regimes economic downturns influence the leaders' decisions to engage in interstate conflict not though worsening of the electorate's economic conditions but by harming the reputation of the regime. Here we examine how the did the eocnomic downturn of Azerbaijn fostered Armenian-Azerbaijni open military conflict in April, 2016. We argue that the drastic decline in annual growth of GDP due to decreased oil prices was the main incentive for Azerbaijani leadership to try to compansate losses in the economy by gaining military victories over an old rival.

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