International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Faisal Ahmed Ali Al-Hammadi, Ahmad Amri Zainal Adnan, SitiAsma' bintiMohdRosdi

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1Faisal Ahmed Ali Al-Hammadi, 2Ahmad Amri Zainal Adnan, 3SitiAsma' bintiMohdRosdi
1,2,3. Sultan Idris Education University, Malaysia

Al-Hammadi, Faisal Ahmed Ali, et al. "THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN WORKPLACE LEARNING AND EMPLOYEES' PERFORMANCES IN THE UNITED ARAB EMIRATES." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 5, no. 7, July 2020, pp. 1719-1729, Accessed July 2020.
Al-Hammadi, F., Adnan, A., & bintiMohdRosdi, S. (2020, July). THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN WORKPLACE LEARNING AND EMPLOYEES' PERFORMANCES IN THE UNITED ARAB EMIRATES. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 5(7), 1719-1729. Retrieved from
Al-Hammadi, Faisal Ahmed Ali, Ahmad Amri Zainal Adnan, and SitiAsma' bintiMohdRosdi. "THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN WORKPLACE LEARNING AND EMPLOYEES' PERFORMANCES IN THE UNITED ARAB EMIRATES." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 5, no. 7 (July 2020), 1719-1729. Accessed July, 2020.


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The purpose of the current study was to elaborate the workplace learning and employees' performances in the United Arab Emirates. The study had the purpose to contribute new knowledge to the existing literature available on the workplace learning and job performances. It also highlighted the contemporary literature on the topic specifically formal and information learning, as well as performance related to tasks and contexts. The research explained and highlighted the role of training and development on employees' performances to improve the quality of task process. An empirical study was conducted and data was collected through questionnaire. The present study aimed to contribute new knowledge to the existing literature on workplace learning and job performances. Particularly, the study analysed contemporary literature on workplace learning and job performances, specifically formal and informal learning as well as employee task performance and contextual performance. The study hypothesized that informal, incidental and formal workplace learning had direct positive significant relationships with employee task and contextual performance. Findings of the study revealed that adopting effective techniques of workplace learning and techniques can improve employees' performances. The study, further, showed that the informal, formal and incidental workplace learning had direct and positive impact on employees' task and contextual performance. The study discovered that there was a significant positive relationship between workplace learning including formal, informal and incidental learning, and job performances including task performance, contextual performance and counterproductive work behaviour. It also found that there was a positive relationship between result-oriented cultures with two types of job performance but there was a significant relationship between team-oriented culture and task performance. Furthermore, the moderating effect of innovation, communication and people oriented culture on the relationship between incidental workplace learning and contextual performance was significant.

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