International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Swansea University, United Kingdom

ALSHAIKHI, NADA. "TEACHERS PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SATISFACTION: THE CASE EVIDENCE OF SAUDI MINISTRY OF EDUCATION." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 5, no. 8, Aug. 2020, pp. 2195-2219, Accessed Aug. 2020.
ALSHAIKHI, N. (2020, August). TEACHERS PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SATISFACTION: THE CASE EVIDENCE OF SAUDI MINISTRY OF EDUCATION. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 5(8), 2195-2219. Retrieved from
ALSHAIKHI, NADA. "TEACHERS PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SATISFACTION: THE CASE EVIDENCE OF SAUDI MINISTRY OF EDUCATION." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 5, no. 8 (August 2020), 2195-2219. Accessed August, 2020.


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Performance management systems (PMSs) are an important part of human resource management in any organisation and play an authoritative role. Performance management (PM) is now seen as a strategic initiative to enhance employee performance and consequently that of the organisation. Such a strategy is possible when management uses the information generated by PM to determine employees' past, present and future performance. Although educational organisations are different from other organisations in terms of their activities, the management structures do not differ much. Thus, educational institutions face the same administrative issues as other organisations, including the issues related to PMSs. This study examined teachers’ perspectives of the determinants of teachers’ performance management satisfaction in the Saudi Ministry of Education. The main aim of this study is to analyse the factors influencing the effectiveness of the PMS, it also to develop a conceptual framework of how effective performance management system lead to teachers' satisfaction and loyalty and commitment in achieving the organisational goals. This is accomplished through a self-administered questionnaire survey of teachers, designed to measure teachers' opinions of the performance management system. A total of 502 teachers completed the survey. The findings of the study demonstrate that an accurate performance management system should comprise aspects such as strategic planning and goal setting, ongoing feedback, clear and balanced performance appraisal (PA), fairness of PAs, pay for performance, training and development, promotion decisions, management commitment, involvement in the PM process and understanding of the purpose of the PMS.

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