International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Sandesh Acharya, Prayash Pathak Chalise, Niroj Dahal

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1Sandesh Acharya, 1Prayash Pathak Chalise, 2Niroj Dahal
1. Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, Tribhuwan University, Kathmandu, Nepal
2. Maya Institute of Agriculture and Technology, Dehradun, India

Acharya, Sandesh, et al. "COMPARISON OF TOTAL COST OF PRODUCTION AND TOTAL REVENUE BETWEEN DROUGHT TOLERANT AND OTHER CULTIVATED RICE VARIETIES IN TANAHUN, NEPAL." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 5, no. 8, Aug. 2020, pp. 2264-2285, Accessed Aug. 2020.
Acharya, S., Chalise, P., & Dahal, N. (2020, August). COMPARISON OF TOTAL COST OF PRODUCTION AND TOTAL REVENUE BETWEEN DROUGHT TOLERANT AND OTHER CULTIVATED RICE VARIETIES IN TANAHUN, NEPAL. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 5(8), 2264-2285. Retrieved from
Acharya, Sandesh, Prayash Pathak Chalise, and Niroj Dahal. "COMPARISON OF TOTAL COST OF PRODUCTION AND TOTAL REVENUE BETWEEN DROUGHT TOLERANT AND OTHER CULTIVATED RICE VARIETIES IN TANAHUN, NEPAL." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 5, no. 8 (August 2020), 2264-2285. Accessed August, 2020.


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Rice production is greatly influenced by drought that results low and varied productivity of rice. Considering the importance of rice production in the national economy, this study aims to assess situation, socio-economics, and productivity of different rice varieties in Tanahun district. Randomly selected 40 paddy growing farmers from different locations were the primary informants. Data was collected in semi structured questionnaire through interview in local language and was analyzed using MS Excel and SPSS. The B:C ratio observed from the study was 1.157, 1.236, 1.109, 1.125, 1.162, 0.974, 1.249 and 1.074 for sukhkha2, sukhkha3, sukhkha4, sukhkha5, sukhkha6, local varieties, other improved and hybrid varieties respectively. The total cost of production in NRs per hectare was 179340, 179900, 188040, 203200, 169050, 185728, 185720 and 205280 respectively. Similarly the productivity in ton/ha was 4.21, 4.53, 4.15, 4.75, 3.75, 3.68, 4.73 and 4.55 respectively for each variety. Maximum revenue was obtained from sukhkha5. This study concludes that those drought tolerant rice varieties especially sukhkha5 (when sown in rainfed upland area) gives better results than hybrid and other improved varieties in terms of productivity and total revenue but, other improved varieties and sukhkha3 are more economic when B:C ratio is considered. This research strongly recommends providing specific cultivation guidelines and labor efficient methods for cultivation of Sukhkha3 and Sukhkha5 to farmers through extension demonstration and awareness creation. Further identification and mapping of other drought-prone domains for further dissemination ensures the drought security in the country.

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