International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Banti Das

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Banti Das
Lecturer in Geography, Nagar College, Nagar, Murshidabad, West Bengal

Das, Banti. "GENDER DISCRIMINATION IN AGRICULTURAL SECTOR: A STUDY ON MURSHIDABAD DISTRICT, WEST BENGAL, INDIA." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 5, no. 8, Aug. 2020, pp. 2361-2372, Accessed Aug. 2020.
Das, B. (2020, August). GENDER DISCRIMINATION IN AGRICULTURAL SECTOR: A STUDY ON MURSHIDABAD DISTRICT, WEST BENGAL, INDIA. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 5(8), 2361-2372. Retrieved from
Das, Banti. "GENDER DISCRIMINATION IN AGRICULTURAL SECTOR: A STUDY ON MURSHIDABAD DISTRICT, WEST BENGAL, INDIA." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 5, no. 8 (August 2020), 2361-2372. Accessed August, 2020.


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Gender discrimination means 'male-female differences' that arise from various factors like biological, psychological and cultural norms. It is the process by which people are treated differently only for their gender at home, school or working sector. It also creates a major problem in agricultural sector especially in developing countries like India. Murshidabad district is one of the favourable agricultural regions in West Bengal. Agricultural sector offers many jobs for both male and female but difference in wages earned by them persists and it determines the male-female work participation in agriculture in this area. Many obstacles such as high illiteracy rate among women, lack of consciousness about their legal right, religious obstacles and limited access to resources like land, credit, inputs, transport, storage and technical assistance acts as main barriers on their working environment. The study is based on secondary data collected from Census of India, 2011. This paper reveals the gender disparity by showing the male-female work participation rate of cultivators and agricultural labourers engaged in agricultural sector in Murshidabad district. An attempt has also been taken to provide suggestive measures to uproot this discrimination.

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