International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Vassilios Mitsos, Gregory Beligiannis

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Vassilios Mitsos, Gregory Beligiannis
Department of Business Administration of Food and Agricultural Enterprises, University of Patras Greece

Mitsos, Vassilios, and Gregory Beligiannis. "THE EFFECT OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS ON PERFORMANCE, PROFITABILITY, AND GROWTH OF FOOD INDUSTRIES OF GREECE." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 5, no. 9, Sept. 2020, pp. 2463-2479, doi:10.46609/IJSSER.2020.v05i09.004. Accessed Sept. 2020.
Mitsos, V., & Beligiannis, G. (2020, September). THE EFFECT OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS ON PERFORMANCE, PROFITABILITY, AND GROWTH OF FOOD INDUSTRIES OF GREECE. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 5(9), 2463-2479. doi:10.46609/IJSSER.2020.v05i09.004
Mitsos, Vassilios, and Gregory Beligiannis. "THE EFFECT OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS ON PERFORMANCE, PROFITABILITY, AND GROWTH OF FOOD INDUSTRIES OF GREECE." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 5, no. 9 (September 2020), 2463-2479. Accessed September, 2020. doi:10.46609/IJSSER.2020.v05i09.004.


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The aim of the current research is to shed light on the effect of Information Systems (ISs) on performance, profitability, and growth of food industries in Greece. A questionnaire survey was conducted in the two hundred largest food businesses of Greece which are anonymous companies. Analysis of primary data shows that these companies are exporting and a quarter of them shows damage. Findings show that, these enterprises do not manage efficiently enough their company's balance sheet to generate profits and their fixed assets to generate sales. Moreover, most of food businesses use less than two ISs, mainly the ERP, and use them to manage only a small number of their operations. Although in the first decade of the twentieth century a revolution in the use of information systems is observed most food businesses in Greece do not invest a lot of money on ISs. Finally, firm's performance profitability and growth is independent of the size, the number and the cost of ISs. On the other hand, firms' profitability depends on the size of applied ISs. To sum up, the more ISs used by companies, the biggest the profits of the companies.

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