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Aidelokhai, Dennis Idonije , Musa Usman , Abu Idris and Gana Sunday

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Aidelokhai, Dennis Idonije1 , Musa Usman2 , Abu Idris3 and Gana Sunday4
1,2,3. Department of Public Administration, Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Lapai, Niger State, Nigeria
4. Vice Chancellor’s Office, Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Lapai, Niger State, Nigeria

Idonije, Aidelokhai, Dennis, et al. "THE IMPACT OF MAN POWER TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT ON PERFORMANCE TERTIARY INSTITUTIONS: A STUDY OF IBRAHIM BADAMASI BABANGIDA UNIVERSITY, LAPAI, NIGER STATE 2015- 2019." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 6, no. 8, Aug. 2021, pp. 2859-2875, Accessed Aug. 2021.
Idonije, A., Usman, M., Idris, A., & Sunday, G. (2021, August). THE IMPACT OF MAN POWER TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT ON PERFORMANCE TERTIARY INSTITUTIONS: A STUDY OF IBRAHIM BADAMASI BABANGIDA UNIVERSITY, LAPAI, NIGER STATE 2015- 2019. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 6(8), 2859-2875. Retrieved from
Idonije, Aidelokhai, Dennis, Musa Usman, Abu Idris, and Gana Sunday. "THE IMPACT OF MAN POWER TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT ON PERFORMANCE TERTIARY INSTITUTIONS: A STUDY OF IBRAHIM BADAMASI BABANGIDA UNIVERSITY, LAPAI, NIGER STATE 2015- 2019." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 6, no. 8 (August 2021), 2859-2875. Accessed August, 2021.


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The success or failure of any institution is a function of the quality of its human resources. It is on that premise that organizations invest heavily on its workforce through training, provision of working tools to attain their objectives This study examine the Impact of Manpower Training and Development on service delivery by employees of Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida, University, Lapai, In achieving this goal, data was obtained through primary and secondary sources vis-avis observation method. Data collected were analyzed through the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). The two hypotheses were validated through the use of chi-square (X2 ) statistical method. The finding of this study indicates that there is a positive relationship between training, development and organizational performance in Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Lapai. The study concludes that training is an investment in the human resources of an organization, with both immediate and long term returns. In the light of above, the study recommend that Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida Universiry, Lapai should make training and development of its staff a regular exercise to increase the skill, knowledge, abilities and competences of their staff. This will in turn increase the effectiveness and efficiency of service delivery of staff in achieving the core mandate of the university in teaching, research and community services.

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