International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Firas Salman Khudhair, Rafiduraidabinti Abdul Rahman and Ahmad Amri Bin Zainal Adnan

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Firas Salman Khudhair, Rafiduraidabinti Abdul Rahman and Ahmad Amri Bin Zainal Adnan
University Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI), Perak DarulRidzuan, Malaysia

Khudhair, Firas Salman, et al. "THE MEDIATING EFFECT OF ORGANISATIONAL JUSTICE ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN COMPENSATION STRATEGY AND EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE AMONG ACADEMIC STAFF IN IRAQI UNIVERSITIES." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 6, no. 9, Sept. 2021, pp. 3109-3138, Accessed Sept. 2021.
Khudhair, Firas Salman, Rafiduraidabinti Abdul Rahman, and Ahmad Amri Bin Zainal Adnan. "THE MEDIATING EFFECT OF ORGANISATIONAL JUSTICE ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN COMPENSATION STRATEGY AND EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE AMONG ACADEMIC STAFF IN IRAQI UNIVERSITIES." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 6, no. 9 (September 2021), 3109-3138. Accessed September, 2021.


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Today, most universities in Iraq face various challenges that affected most universities’ educational performance in Iraq.As a result, this paper focuses on the influence of compensation strategy on employee performance at Iraqi universities and the mediating role of organisational justice in the compensation strategy-employee performance relationship. The methodology used in this study is based on a quantitative method applied to the questionnaire survey and structural equation modelling (SEM). Population and sample consist of individuals represent academics staff in 22 universities located in the Medill and south area of Iraq. This study showed that compensation strategy in educational institutions affected the employee performance of universities and mediated by organisational justice. The importance of this research stems from the investigation of critical elements that contribute to the employee performance of educational institutions. The findings of this study will be helpful for the Iraqi universities as it will improve their employee performance through the use of appropriate compensation strategy indicators.

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