International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Yves Andre Abessolo , Hamza Abba Ibrahim and Amadou Bobbo

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Yves Andre Abessolo1 , Hamza Abba Ibrahim2 and Amadou Bobbo3
1,3. University of Yaounde II, Cameroun.
2. University of Maroua

Abessolo, Yves Andre, et al. "REDUCING REAL HETEROGENEITIES IN THE ECONOMIC AND MONETARY COMMUNITY OF CENTRAL AFRICA (EMCCA): DOES POLICY-MIX MATTER?" Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 7, no. 7, July 2022, pp. 1805-1829, Accessed July 2022.
Abessolo, Y., Ibrahim, H., & Bobbo, A. (2022, July). REDUCING REAL HETEROGENEITIES IN THE ECONOMIC AND MONETARY COMMUNITY OF CENTRAL AFRICA (EMCCA): DOES POLICY-MIX MATTER? Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 7(7), 1805-1829. Retrieved from
Abessolo, Yves Andre, Hamza Abba Ibrahim, and Amadou Bobbo. "REDUCING REAL HETEROGENEITIES IN THE ECONOMIC AND MONETARY COMMUNITY OF CENTRAL AFRICA (EMCCA): DOES POLICY-MIX MATTER?" Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 7, no. 7 (July 2022), 1805-1829. Accessed July, 2022.


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The aim is to analyse the effect of the policy mix on real heterogeneities in the EMCCA zone. Using a spatial model inspired by the work of Anselin (2002) and Combey (2014), we mobilise recent methodological developments, notably the estimation techniques of spatial-dynamic panel models. The results show that the expansive Policy-mix reduces the output gap, the unemployment rate, and increases manufacturing value added. This paper argues for an optimal coordination of the two cyclical policies, the development of infrastructure while improving monetary and financial conditions, and an increase in the productivity of all sectors of activity in order to improve the effective output among the EMCCA countries.

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