International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Reshmi Ganguly

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Reshmi Ganguly
Associate Professor, Lady Shri Ram College For Women,University of Delhi

Ganguly, Reshmi. "AN ANALYSIS OF ECONOMIC, HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS INFLUENCING INDIA’S IMPORT DEMAND FOR U.S. ALMONDS." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 7, no. 8, Aug. 2022, pp. 2661-2670, Accessed Aug. 2022.
Ganguly, R. (2022, August). AN ANALYSIS OF ECONOMIC, HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS INFLUENCING INDIA’S IMPORT DEMAND FOR U.S. ALMONDS. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 7(8), 2661-2670. Retrieved from
Ganguly, Reshmi. "AN ANALYSIS OF ECONOMIC, HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS INFLUENCING INDIA’S IMPORT DEMAND FOR U.S. ALMONDS." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 7, no. 8 (August 2022), 2661-2670. Accessed August, 2022.


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The purpose of this study was to estimate the impact of the major factors affecting the import demand for U.S. almonds in India. The primary objective was to explore how increase in diabetes in India and global warming in United Sates will impact this demand. Based on previous literature, a single-equation regression framework was specified for estimation of the almond model. The factors examined in this study were India’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth rate, Real Exchange Rate of Rupees, mortality due to diabetes, Cashew nut production, annual average temperature of Los Angeles. The results showed that India’s GDP growth rate has positive influence to the import which means an increase in the purchasing power would increase the import of almonds. The Real Exchange Rate has positive effect on import which means that when the real exchange rate increases, the relative price of goods at home is higher and thus import increases. Diabetes mortality showed a positive influence implying Indians are becoming more aware about benefits of almonds consumption in decreasing diabetes. The estimation gave a positive relation between cashew nut production and the almonds demand with the cross elasticity more towards almond consumption. Impact of global warming proved to be very strong as 1o increase in average annual temperature resulted a decrease in almonds import. In fact, this decrease occurs at an increasing rate. The policy that can be suggested to the government is to provide support and encourage domestic producers to increase almond production in India.

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