International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Risyart Alberth Far Far

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Risyart Alberth Far Far
Department Agricultural of Pattimura University, Indonesia

Far, Risyart Alberth Far. "FACTORS AFFECTING SOCIAL CAPITAL IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF ENTREPRENEURIAL BEHAVIOR IN ENBAL CASSAVA PROCESSORS." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 7, no. 1, Jan. 2022, pp. 19-39, Accessed Jan. 2022.
Far, R. (2022, January). FACTORS AFFECTING SOCIAL CAPITAL IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF ENTREPRENEURIAL BEHAVIOR IN ENBAL CASSAVA PROCESSORS. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 7(1), 19-39. Retrieved from
Far, Risyart Alberth Far. "FACTORS AFFECTING SOCIAL CAPITAL IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF ENTREPRENEURIAL BEHAVIOR IN ENBAL CASSAVA PROCESSORS." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 7, no. 1 (January 2022), 19-39. Accessed January, 2022.


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Southeast Maluku has a food reserve plant, namely enbal cassava. As one of the local foods, Enbal has a very good opportunity to be developed because it is already known and becomes part of the life of the people of Southeast Maluku. Enbal has a social and cultural function in society. The research objectives were to describe the characteristics of energy processing, the availability of information on internal local food, supporting institutional support, social capital and entrepreneurial behavior and to analyze the factors that influence social capital in the development of energy processing entrepreneurial behavior. This research uses a quantitative approach which is strengthened by qualitative research and uses the census method. The research was conducted from November 2018 to March 2019 with a total population of 107 people who were research respondents who were members of the enbal processing group. The results showed that the age of energy processing generally ranged from the productive age. The formal and nonformal education of enbal processors are in a low category. Experience trying to be in the low category. Activity in groups is in the high category. The level of motivation and cosmopolitanism of energy processing is in the low category. The level of availability of local food information in general is still very minimal and the level of institutional support for small local food industries is in the medium category. The social capital of enbal processing is in the high category. Entrepreneurial behavior is in the medium category. The factor that affects social capital in a real and positive way is institutional support. Social capital factors do not significantly and positively influence entrepreneurial behavior.

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