International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Anne Kathure Ntoiti , Dr. Edward Munyengwo Kigen and Prof. Theresia Kavuli Kinai

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Anne Kathure Ntoiti1 , Dr. Edward Munyengwo Kigen2 and Prof. Theresia Kavuli Kinai3
1. PhD Student (Educational Psychology), School of Education and Lifelong Learning, Kenyatta University, P.O. box 1639-60200, Meru, Kenya
2. PhD in Educational Psychology, School of Education and Lifelong Learning, Kenyatta University, P.O. Box 43844-00100 Nairobi, Kenya.
3. PhD in Educational Psychology, Associate Professor, School of Education and Lifelong Learning, Kenyatta University, P.O. Box 43844-00100 Nairobi, Kenya.

Ntoiti, Anne Kathure, et al. "PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT AS DETERMINANT OF ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT AMONG UNIVERSITY STUDENTS IN KENYA." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 9,


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The goal for every academic institution is the provision of quality education. Most university students are in a state of transition from adolescence to adulthood. During this period, they grapple with issues of identity and less adult supervision. This study examined psychosocial support as a determinant of academic achievement among students in Kenyan universities. The study utilized Psychosocial Theory of Development by Erik Erikson. The research was designed as a Cross-Sectional Analytical research. The population targeted was 2nd and 3rdyear students in 4 purposively selected universities in Kenya. A total of 340 students, 80 peer counselors, 4 deans of students and 4 student counselors participated in the study. Data collection tools included a Students’ Questionnaire, Interview Schedules for both the Deans of Students and the Student Counselors as well as a Focus Group Discussion guide for peer counselors. Data was analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (version 20)for inferential and descriptive statistics. Inferential statistics were conducted using Path Analysis while qualitative data was thematically analyzed. Research findings indicated that students relied more on family members, friends, and peer counselors for psychosocial support. The Path Analysis Model revealed that psychosocial support directly impacted GPA scores. Therefore, psychosocial support was established to be a determinant of academic achievement among university students in Kenya. Policymakers can use these findings to improve psychosocial support services awareness to enhance academic achievement among University Students.

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