International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Quan Nguyen Van and Bach Le Hoang

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Quan Nguyen Van1 and Bach Le Hoang2
1. Faculty of Business Administration, Academy of Policy and Development, Hanoi, Vietnam.
2. Doan Thi Diem High School, Hanoi, Vietnam.

Van, Quan Nguyen, and Bach Le Hoang. "THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS, INTENTION AND PRO-ENVIRONMENTAL BEHAVIOR AMONG UNIVERSITY STUDENTS IN VIETNAM." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 9, no. 4, Apr. 2024, pp. 1109-1126, Accessed Apr. 2024.
Van, Quan Nguyen, and Bach Le Hoang. "THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS, INTENTION AND PRO-ENVIRONMENTAL BEHAVIOR AMONG UNIVERSITY STUDENTS IN VIETNAM." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 9, no. 4 (April 2024), 1109-1126. Accessed April, 2024.


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Sustainable development is one of the key strategic goals for a country’s socio-economic development, and the issue of marine environmental protection is also considered an important challenge for both developed and developing countries. The objective of this study is to investigate the relationship between marine environmental awareness, behavioral intention and pro-environmental behavior among university students in Vietnam. Because students are the young generation that has been educated at an adult level, they have a great role to lead the younger generation, and also make contributions through both propaganda and beneficial products for the future marine environment. The author conducted a survey with 450 university students across Vietnam, and by using Bootstrapping technique through Hayes Process Macro Model 4,research results show that there is a positive relationship between awareness, intention and pro-environmental behavior, in which behavioral intention is the mediating factor between the impact of marine environmental awareness on pro-environmental behavior. The research results bring important implications for both students and educational administrators when it is necessary to provide more knowledge about the current situation and impacts on the environment through lectures; organize marine environment-themed student days as well as participate in volunteer activities and practical programs to raise awareness and promote pro-environmental behavior. In addition, student scientific research activities should also be promoted towards the issue of environmental protection so that students can discover and bring about inventions, which are applicable to marine environmental protection.

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